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      historic sites at Tipasa, Algeria

    • Tipasa
      Salsa 048
      Tipasa 032
      Tipasa 10
      La villa des fresques (Tipaza) (2536112471)
      Late Roman mosaic from Tipasa (Mauretania Caesariensis) depicting the legend of Achilles, the discovery on Skyros below a scene showing Thetis retrieving Achilles from Chiron, dated 4th century AD, Musée national des Antiquités
      Le site archéologique de Tipaza
      Corridor in the form of a gate to the wall of a Roman temple
      Algerie Tipasa port romain
      Tipasa 21
      A roman column opposite the lighthouse
      Les carrières romaines de la Corne dor (Tipaza) (2532776917)
      Juba II of Numidia burial place
      Sites historiques Tipaza 12
      DSs 1225
      Tipasa 78
      Tipasa 67
      Tipasa 11
      Tipasa remain 2
      Le Cardo maximus de la ville romaine (Tipaza)
      Tipaza basilique
      Gate entering Tipasa
      Ancient Roman archaeological sites in Tipaza, Algeria
    • Royal Mausoleum of Mauretania
      Artillery damage was done in the 18th century, but could not destroy the tomb
      Le Mausolée royal de Maurétanie1
      42-14 Mausolée royal de mauretania 2
      Mausolée Royale de Maurétanie - الضريح الملكي الموريطاني
      42-14 - Mausolée royal de mauretania
      Le Mausolée royal de Maurétanie2
      Le Mausolée royal de Maurétanie.
      La tumba real de Moritan en Tipasa
      Le Mausolée de Maurétanie
      Juba II of Numidia burial place
      Le Mausolée royal de Maurétanie7
      Tomb of Juba II and Cleopatra Selene (James Bruce)
      Le Mausolée royal de Maurétanie3
      20141114- DSC0011-5 (15701641117)
      الضريح الملكي الموريتاني من مدينة تيبازة
      14691951 10202385331631331 6885399449519955655 The Princess Melissa Tomb
      Base du Mausolée Royal de Maurétanie à Tipaza
      Far side of Tomb of King Juba II and Cleopatra Selene